Few features affect a person’s appearance quite like the prominent feature that sits right in the middle of it – the nose. Considering its location on the face, it naturally becomes a critical contributor to our overall aesthetic. As such, any modifications can dramatically alter one’s looks. A nose job, clinically referred to as a rhinoplasty in Seattle, is a cosmetic surgical procedure meant to enhance the proportions of the nose to more ideally fit the patient’s face.

Common issues with the nose include nasal bumps and hooks. Corrections beyond aesthetic issues, like a deviated septum, are also normal. A nose job has the flexibility to be performed under general anesthesia or local. The scope of the surgery and patient preference will determine which one is implemented.

To learn more about other nose job techniques, feel free to arrange a consultation with Dr. James Ridgway at his Bellevue office. From there, he can address all of your questions or concerns.

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If you are ready to refresh and rejuvenate your look today, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons Seattle has to offer: Dr. James M. Ridgway. During your private consultation Dr. Ridgway will carefully evaluate your face and the subtle imperfections that concern you most before providing you with a personalized blend of Bellevue cosmetic surgery procedures that will help you achieve your ideal facial appearance.

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